Category Archives: Sunday Replay

Sunday Replay: Therapy, Learning from Adversity, and Yoga Poses

Sometimes, The Quinn Spinn hits on serious topics that resonate with creatives.

Sometimes, things get silly.

We’ve got a helping of both in this week’s edition of the Sunday Replay. You’ll learn about the value of therapy and overcoming adversity, and you’ll also learn that not all of us are on the same level when it comes to doing yoga…

Want more? #GetSpunn
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Sunday Replay: Organic Creation, Droppin’ Bars, and 10 Years

Looks like we have some catching up to do with this first Sunday Replay of 2023.

We reach back into December for a couple of Quinn Spinn memories centered on the organic creation of music. Then, we turn our focus to the present — and everything that figures to make Year 10 of our Official Podcast what it is.

Want more? Of course you do! #GetSpunn
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Sunday Replay: Combating Narcissism, Finding Balance, and Rising the Tide

As we move toward the end of the year, it’s mind-blowing to think of how many independent creatives — from Nashville and beyond — joined The Quinn Spinn this year to share incredible insights into their journeys. Overall, the best conversations in the show’s 9+ year history have happened in 2022, and it makes us even more optimistic for the future.

Combine that with the fact that we just found out the show is in the top 5% of most shared podcasts across all of Spotify, and is within the top 30% of most followed podcasts on Spotify, and we can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store!

Before we get there, though, let’s take a look and listen back to some highlights, as we get ready to finish the year strong.

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Sunday Replay: Fighting Different Forms of Abuse; What is Underground Rising?

We’re not afraid to discuss difficult topics on our Official Podcast.

Two of these Sunday Replay clips from The Quinn Spinn deal with combating different forms of abuse, which we hope will create further understanding and inspire productive conversations. In addition, we shed more light on our Underground Rising initiative, whose success will help us produce more thoughtful content like this.

Want to learn more about The Quinn Spinn? Check out these links, and then check out this batch of videos!

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Sunday Replay: Purpose, Genuine Connection, and… Lawsuits?

For this week’s Sunday Replay, we have a variety pack of clips from our Official Podcast, The Quinn Spinn.

Of course, you’ll get bite-sized bits of conversations about the creative journey. But… we also decided to mix things up, with one of the more memorable moments from an OG fam episode earlier this year.

Want more? Hit those links below!

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Sunday Replay: Originality, Purpose, and Small Victories

Our recent guests to The Quinn Spinn have spent years refining their creative processes, and the time spent has put them in a position where they can share the lessons they’ve learned.

Today’s Sunday Replay presents a few of those lessons, front and center. Watch the clips below! And, if you want more insights just like these, check out these links…

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Sunday Replay: Accountability, Lessons Learned, and Attraction vs. The Chase

Hey, while you’re here: did you know that Underground Music Collective is a fiscally-sponsored project of The Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville? That means you have the opportunity to make a charitable donation to UMC, which is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Click here and help us Keep the Music Playing!

Anyway, onto this week’s Sunday Replay…

Our Official Podcast, The Quinn Spinn, covers so much more than music. We take on the life lessons that shape our journeys, creatively and otherwise.

Here are a few examples of what I mean. If you want more, peep the links below!

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Sunday Replay: Self-Respect, Exposing the Hustle, Making Things Happen

We’re all about keeping things in balance these days, and that reflects in some of the recent conversations on our Official Podcast, The Quinn Spinn.

There’s a time to turn on the jets and go full-force toward your vision. There’s also a time to take a step back to rest, reflect, and refill your cup. Both modes are a part of the creative journey, and you can’t sustainably have one without the other.

Hear some insights from recent guests as they’ve navigated their journeys, and don’t forget to follow to the show using the methods below!

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Sunday Replay: Tennessee Titans and Nashville Hip Hop; Communicating the Truth Through Music

Earlier this week, we announced that we’re giving you a daily taste of our Official Podcast, The Quinn Spinn, by sharing the show’s most insightful, inspirational, and/or hilarious moments on-demand.

We encourage you to subscribe to UMC on YouTube, to ensure that you don’t miss a moment. However, we’re also making it easy for you to find the goods every weekend with our new Sunday Replay feature, right here on UMC!

Every Sunday, we’ll roll all of the week’s clips into a recap, giving you the opportunity to catch them all under one roof. From there, if you want even more Quinn Spinn goodness where that came from, might we suggest the following links?

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Anyway, onto the first-ever Sunday Replay!

Catch Up here