Tag Archives: pop rock

UMC20: The Best of April 2023

Hold it right there!

Did you know that you can support Underground Music Collective, any time of year? By making a tax-deductible donation to UMC via The Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville, you ensure that we can keep sharing songs and stories from independent creatives everywhere, for years to come. Click here to get started!

Anyway, onto the UMC20 Best of April…

Hear the Best of April

UMC20: This One Goes Places! (Apr. 18, 2023)

Hold it right there!

Did you know that you can support Underground Music Collective, any time of year? By making a tax-deductible donation to UMC via The Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville, you ensure that we can keep sharing songs and stories from independent creatives everywhere, for years to come. Click here to get started!

Anyway, onto this week’s edition of UMC20

Listen to UMC20

ON SALE NOW: Natalia Taylar, James Cole, and Forts Like Vana at The East Room

Just checking in with a quick update: remember that NashLive! show we announced last week, featuring Natalia Taylar, James Cole, and Forts Like Vana, Thursday, May 4 at The East Room?

Well, that show is now on sale to the general public!

Get tickets

UMC20: April Showers Us with New Jams (Apr. 4, 2023)

Hold it right there!

Did you know that you can support Underground Music Collective, any time of year? By making a tax-deductible donation to UMC via The Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville, you ensure that we can keep sharing songs and stories from independent creatives everywhere, for years to come. Click here to get started!

Anyway, onto this week’s edition of UMC20

Listen to UMC20

UMC20: You’ll Love This Mix! (Feb. 14, 2023)

Yeah, yeah… we had to sneak “love” into the headline, because it’s Valentine’s Day and all.

But… it’s true! Our weekly installment of 20 fresh tracks brings the heat like you wouldn’t believe, seamlessly melding through genres and breaking down the barriers that prescribed musical labels often put in place.

Fall in love with these new tunes, and enjoy not one, but TWO Quinn Spinn bonus tracks at the end — because we’re now releasing two new episodes per week!

Listen to UMC20

UMC20: Picking Up Steam (Jan. 10, 2023)

It seems like everyone is beginning to awaken from their holiday-induced winter slumber. We’ve certainly been busy over here at UMC, and from the looks of it, plenty of musicians in our orbit are, too. For one thing, this week is set to be a big one for releases, and you’ll surely hear some of those in this space this time next week.

But… let’s not get ahead of ourselves, because we have plenty of fire to keep you warm in the meantime. What do you say we get right to it?

P.S.: If you look at the bottom of the track listing, you might see a clue about our first NashLive! show announcement of the year… 😉

Listen to UMC20

UMC20: 20 Distinct Flavors (Dec. 13, 2022)

Hold it right there! This holiday season, we’re asking our community to support Underground Music Collective’s Underground Rising initiative! By making a tax-deductible donation to UMC via The Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville, you ensure that we can keep sharing songs and stories from independent creatives everywhere, for years to come. Click here to get started!

Anyway, onto this week’s UMC20…

Listen to UMC20

Songs You Should Hear: International Flavors

Hold it right there! This holiday season, we’re asking our community to support Underground Music Collective’s Underground Rising initiative! By making a tax-deductible donation to UMC via The Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville, you ensure that we can keep sharing songs and stories from independent creatives everywhere, for years to come. Click here to get started!

Anyway, onto this week’s Songs You Should Hear…

Hear What You Should

WATCH: With ‘Nothing Lasts Forever,’ Dylan Brushes Off Love in Dramatic Fashion

Dylan’s appreciation for all things rock and roll is evident in everything she does. A self-proclaimed “rock star in a pop star’s body,” the British-born pop artist incorporates big guitar riffs and a flair for showmanship into her stadium-ready pop anthems.

Learn More About Dylan
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