Ready for a ‘Blank Page’ in 2024? Cooper Carr Has a Song for You

Photo credit: Isaac Wetzel

Feeling a tad uncertain as we head into 2024?

The silver lining behind that uncertainty is that you have the choice on where to go from here. Nashville-based troubadour and producer Cooper Carr delivers that empowering message on his debut single, “Blank Page.”

“This song is for the ones who aren’t quite sure what’s next. The ones who change the subject when asked about the future, because you’re afraid what you really hope and dream for is impossible,” Carr said. “The ones who are looking around at other’s seemingly quick success and wondering what the secret formula is. The ones who feel paralyzed by heartbreak. It can be so terrifying to look at the future and just see a blank page — but, it also means there’s endless possibility and opportunity out there.”

Currently, two versions of “Blank Page” are out in the world. The original version is a rollicking, acoustic-based tune that carries us toward our dreams as diligently as the steadfast march of time. The acoustic version is more pensive; the slower-tempo version features an emotive piano and string arrangement, which adds a new level thoughtfulness and depth. Meanwhile, Carr’s distinct tenor rings out to comfort us along the journey.

No matter your flavor, the message of “Blank Page” is clear: time is going to pass by, regardless of the actions we take. In that case, we might as well commit to living a life of purpose.

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