Sunday Replay: Self-Respect, Exposing the Hustle, Making Things Happen

We’re all about keeping things in balance these days, and that reflects in some of the recent conversations on our Official Podcast, The Quinn Spinn.

There’s a time to turn on the jets and go full-force toward your vision. There’s also a time to take a step back to rest, reflect, and refill your cup. Both modes are a part of the creative journey, and you can’t sustainably have one without the other.

Hear some insights from recent guests as they’ve navigated their journeys, and don’t forget to follow to the show using the methods below!

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In this clip, Foundation Mecca discusses what he does to exhibit self-care and protect his energy.

As Gr3ys0n explains, when it comes to building your creative vision, there is no room for expectation. Only action.

In this particularly memorable moment from our conversation with Ria Barkr, we break down the “all-work, no-play, no-sleep” ideals of hustle culture.

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